September 20, 2019

I had a nightmare last night

Last night i had the most frightening dream in ages.
I was walking down the street, going somewhere i can't remember. All of a sudden, a huge and dusty cloud of sand covered the whole city, and the city was wrapped with a deadly silence.
No one was around. It was just me and the street.
And i stood there, paralyzed, fearing something bigger than me, when a huge³ nuclear computer began to appear in the horizon.
"OMG,OMG,OMG!!! Sâo Paulo became the geekland?!"
The machine created eyes, and then a mouth popped up, and the machine started speaking to me: "Run. Run as fast as you can. I'll begin the countdown in 5 minutes. Deep in your heart you know where you need to go, just go!"

I started running, and i realized i left my wife and the kids home, so i tried to go back and grab'em along, but i couldn't run anymore. I tried, i swear i did, but i didn't move an inch!
And so i saw a cliff, and a sign with some letters on it. I don't know what the letters were, but somehow they seemed familiar.

I woke up sweating, desperately gasping for hope. I calmed down, sipped on some coffee and decided to write this down.

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